
Our goals

40% of end-of-life tyres are currently being recycled, repurposed and used as tyre-derived fuel (approximately).

Our goal is that by the fourth year of operation, 80% of end-of-life tyres will be collected and processed.

Our goal is that by the sixth year of operation, 90% of end-of-life tyres will be collected and processed.

Ready to roll

After years of careful planning and consultation, Tyrewise has launched. 

The waste minimisation regulations for tyres came into effect on 1 March 2024. 

Everyone who imports or sells tyres must be registered with Tyrewise.

Transporters and processors will also need to register, as well as manufacturers who want to receive incentives.


From 1 March 2024

New Tyres

A tyre stewardship fee will be charged on all new tyres sold – loose or on a vehicle.

The fee is $6.65 (excl. GST) for a standard passenger tyre, but will vary depending on the type of tyre. For example different fees are payable for motorbike tyres vs tractor tyres. 

The retailer or garage will tell you what the fee is for the tyres you purchase.

From 1 March 2024

1 March - 31 August 2024

End-of-life tyres

Disposal fees may still apply on your old end-of-life-tyres until 1 September.

1 March - 31 August 2024

From 1 September 2024

New tyres

A tyre stewardship fee will continue to be charged for all new tyres.

From 1 September 2024

From 1 September 2024

End-of-life tyres

Free disposal for end-of-life tyres:

There will no longer be any disposal fees on end-of-life tyres that you leave with your registered seller/fitter when you replace them.

Up to five end-of-life tyres at a time can be taken to registered public collection sites for no charge.

From 1 September 2024

From 1 September 2024

Free tyre collections

Tyrewise will be responsible for managing the free collection of end-of-life tyres from retailers and collection sites.

They will book their collections from registered transporters through the Tyrewise software.

The tyres will be delivered to registered processors and manufacturers to make sure they get a second life as a resource in our circular economy.

Find out what end-of-life tyres can be used for.

From 1 September 2024

Enough is enough

We need to move forward to a future without tyre waste.

Join us in protecting our environment for future generations and reap the benefits of a nationwide solution for end-of-life tyres.

If you’re an importer, retailer, collector, transporter or processor of tyres, you need to register with Tyrewise.

As a registered partner, you may be eligible for free collections of end-of-life tyres, incentives to process or make new products from tyres, and more.

It couldn't be simpler

Whether it’s going on holiday or taking the kids to school, Kiwis don’t just rely on tyres, we rely on them being disposed of safely and responsibly.

Once Tyrewise is fully operational we’ll ask you to leave your old tyres with your registered tyre fitter when you have them replaced or take them to a registered collection site. Together we can create innovative solutions for old tyres. This will be funded by replacing the ad hoc disposal charge with a tyre stewardship fee that you will pay when buying new tyres.

Find out what Tyrewise means for you and your whānau. 

Dumped tyres?

If you’ve seen a pile of illegal dumped or stored tyres, let us know and we’ll help turn them into fuel to drive Kiwi innovation.

Supporting innovation

Tyres are invaluable, so let’s not waste them.

Once Tyrewise is launched, we will fund research and innovation projects that support Kiwi solutions for end-of-life tyres, helping to keep products and materials in use for longer.

Currently only 40% of end-of-life tyres are recycled or repurposed, but we have ambitious goals to reach 90%. Find out what currently happens to your old tyres.


Why Tyrewise

Tyrewise is how importers and sellers take responsibility for the environmental impact of their product. This is known as product stewardship.

Designed by industry and supported by government, Tyrewise helps us all work together to end the inconsistent disposal practices which lead to stockpiling, illegal dumping and tyre fires. The scheme also creates certainty around tyre supply and builds sustainable income streams for those creating new products from tyres.

Latest News

Tyrewise is working to end tyre waste in every community in Aotearoa New Zealand through innovative solutions to an old problem. We’ll keep you up-to-date.


E-news: Tyrewise update – June 2024

The Tyrewise crew are making their way around their rohe (regions). Support field rep, Dustin Raupatu Stephens, has come on board to help out over ...
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E-news: Tyrewise update – May 2024

For those thinking about becoming a Tyrewise processor, and who don’t yet have an operational plant, we’ve published our guide for the application process. Read ...
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E-news: Tyrewise update – April 2024

There are a few things your field rep will discuss with you when they visit. We’ve put them together in a handy checklist to help ...
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Media releases

New Zealand’s first national tyre recycling scheme launches

Tyrewise, New Zealand's first national, regulated product stewardship scheme for tyres officially launched today.
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Webinars: regulations webinar series

With the regulation covering the product stewardship of end-of-life tyres now published, Tyrewise is holding a series of webinars to help you understand your role ...
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E-news: Tyrewise update – January 2024

Registrations of Tyrewise participants are now in full swing with loose tyre and vehicle importers and sellers, as well as tyre collectors and processors around ...
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Questions about Tyrewise?

There’s a lot to take in so we know you might have questions. Check out our extensive list of FAQs.

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.

Care for the land, care for the people,
move forward.

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