
Tyrewise 2.0 Master Report Released

Final report released
3R Group, as project managers of Tyrewise, have now completed the final Tyrewise report, following completion of the Phase Two project.

Phase Two involved updating the Tyrewise Product Stewardship Scheme Scoping reports 1-5. This included what currently happens to end-of-life tyres, best practice, preferred stewardship options, mass balance data on tyre imports and the recovery and recycling of end of life tyres from 2015 to 2018.

During Phase Two, consultation was held on the preferred stewardship option with registered tyre importer, resellers, collectors, recyclers and end market developers of end of life tyres.

The proposed regulatory scheme has an advanced disposal fee built into the cost of tyres which will be used to fund the scheme. This is not an additional fee for consumers but replaces the existing disposal fees charged by most tyre retailers without any surety of good environmental management at end of life. The fee will be used to incentivise end markets, processing and collection of tyres, putting an end to stockpiles, illegal dumping or landfilling tyres, and the associated risks to people and the environment, along with an auditing and compliance programme to evidence compliance.

The final report was published today, 28 July 2020.

Next steps
Currently, the Ministry for the Environment are consulting on the regulatory impact of data collection and/or funding from NZ Customs and NZTA as it relates to regulation of a product at point of import and how that information and/or funding can be passed to a non-government agency (the Tyrewise managing entity). This is an important step as tyres will be the first product group testing the provisions under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 for priority products.

The Tyrewise Working Group are eagerly awaiting the Minister’s announcement of ‘priority product’ for end of life tyres following the consultation process undertaken in 2019. Once this declaration has occurred, the Tyrewise Working Group, led by 3R Group, will proceed with setting up a formalised structure, including agreeing whether to proceed with a not-for-profit trust or an incorporated society structure as the managing entity. Directors and an independent chair will then be appointed and the entity will be registered so implementation of the co-designed regulated product stewardship scheme agreed by the Group can commence.

This is an exciting time for those in the tyre industry who have long-awaited these final steps in securing a regulated industry-led product stewardship scheme for end of life tyres.

If you would like to discuss the proposed scheme, please get in touch.

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